By 4 o'clock, Oliver is usually done. He wants a lot of attention and playtime with Mama.
Problem is by 4 o'clock, Mama needs to start thinking about dinner.
The horrible solution- Sesame Street.
O is usually in a great mood late morning. Today he's been running around with the cat, a lunch box, and a pull toy. So I'm trying something new. Prepping for dinner.
I like to try new flavors and recipes. I like to cook. But with a whiny toddler around and all sanity gone, we often end up with frozen pasta.
Tonight's dinner. . .Creamed Fennel with Quinoa and a side of Roasted Butternut Squash. The fennel and onion needed are already chopped and hiding in those plastic wrapped bowls, now in the fridge.
It might not be slow cooker easy, but I'm excited!
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