Three days until Oliver "got it." Now he sleeps, (almost) through the night, without crying.
Last night he actually was so tired that after book and boob he reached for the crib, pretty much saying, "That's what's next and I'm sooooo ready Mama!"
We're also working on naps and that's not going so good. He wants me there holding his hand until he falls asleep. I tried to be tough yesterday but ended up in sobbing hysterics after an hour of his sobbing hysterics. The hardest part was having an audience, Oliver's Oma and Opa were here.
I'm still in a state of disbelief on his new sleeping skill. I'm so glad it happened, it's nice to sleep the whole night undisturbed (except for my own bladder, I feel that's something that'll never be normal again.)
The past couple of days have been adventurous, grandparents mean lots of fun.
Here's a few fun photos.
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