So in a fit of never fitting my giant nursing boobs (36F-did you know there were letters after D?) into a bathing suit that didn't bag out everywhere else I decided to sew my own swimsuit this summer.
Please note that I did not say I would actually wear said bathing suit.
I scoured online blogs,, and more online blogs for any and all tips and tricks I could learn. Most of them were things I already knew, use ballpoint needles in your machine, use a zig zag stitch or stretch straight stitch when sewing, pin like the dickens!
Some were things I never even thought of like, disengage your serger knife when sewing the elastic on. The seams are all only 1/4", which is how wide my serger stitches are so I don't need to trim any off anyway and if a little bit hangs over it'll loop over the edge of the elastic to help encase it anyway.
I ordered my patterns. I went with Jalie because I love sewing their other stretch tops and find them to have an awesome fit. I ordered Jalie 2447 for the top and Jalie 3023 for the bottom.
I also ordered my lining from Sew Sassy (c'mon you know you love the name, say it with attitude!)
And one day Theo and I scoured Downtown LA for some awesome fabrics. I bought four different ones, two prints and two solids (black and brown) and found a place that has an AMAZING selection of nylon/spandex fabrics and they have a website! Blue Moon Fabrics. Although it's not a super useful website.
I was prepared. Now it was time to sew. . .
Plain Speech - Speak Softly, And Carry A Hand Gun
13 years ago
oh I know... I used to be an E... and then I got pregnant... and the alphabet started going up... and now as a nursing mama I wear an H. ?!!?