Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Closet Equilibrium

My closet has finally reached what I like to think of as "grown-up" status.

I can pull an outfit for almost any occasion out of it right now, whether or not it fits is something my body has to catch up to.

I started to notice this last week when I was going through to inventory clothes for our upcoming cruise and vacation. I needed a semi-formal outfit to wear to dinner a few nights while out. My first thought was my purple Colette dress that I made to wear to a work Holiday dinner two years ago.

The Colette dress.

It fit but it wasn't flattering. Still too much baby shape hanging on.

So I dove back in and found it. A navy blue knee length silk dress with ruffled collar. It may be maternity, but I've only wore it once and it still looks lovely. No weird hem in the front and it doesn't look all bump-a-rific in the front. That whole baby shape hanging on thing works in this dress.

I didn't have to go shopping.

This made me sad, I love shopping, and relieved, I have no time to shop for a semi-formal dress!

Today my closet hit closet nirvana.

I found a belt over the weekend, still had the tags on, but was purchased so long ago the price had faded off of the tag! It's okay I bought it on clearance! I have a lot of belts that I never wear because I want to be the girl who wears the belt to accentuate the tiniest part of her body ala "What Not To Wear" but I haven't ever really achieved that goal.


Until now.

That belt goes perfectly with a dress I made two years ago that never gets worn because the two tone-ness of it seemed to business-y which didn't really make sense because it is a gauze dress which should make it a casual dress. I never claimed to reasonable.

Please pretend this is a lovely photo and not all weirdly colored because of poor lighting.

So now I have a dress to wear to replace the one that I didn't have enough fabric to make the skirt a decent length and it's now a swim cover-up. Which was on my list to sew anyway. A swim cover-up, not a too short dress.

Another crazy thing, I didn't need to buy shoes for this trip. Granted it didn't stop me from buying shoes, I got this pair from Boden that I have been eyeing since in the hospital with Theo and they finally went on sale. Of course I bought the leopard print. And these, but in an adult size see a theme? But the other two pairs I am taking are from my closet.

Yup, this closet thing must mean I am a grown up now.