So I did it!
I went an entire month without buying any new fabric, just some thread and zippers, and made things from my stash only!
The List:
Ice Giraffes t-shirt
teapot tunic
2T cord pants (2)
maternity skirt
maternity pj pant
Jalie 2806
prudent baby minkee eye mask
Ottobre hoody 4/2007
Total yardage sewn 10.45
I may have been able to do more if we had not all gotten sick. It threw off my sewing mojo when I had to sleep all day. I also took a day and cleaned up my sewing room. I refolded and organized ridiculous amounts of fabric.
What I learned is that I have a lot of fabric and I can probably create a lot more clothing for myself, Oliver, Small-Fry, and friends with only minimal purchasing of finishing fabrics. For example I'm totally out of brown rib-knit and I use that for collars and cuffs on lots of my fabrics. I have to buy more in order to use up the awesome prints I have.
So you can pretty much expect just handmade gifts coming from me for the foreseeable future.
I can't wait until my co-op velour order arrives, I have some baby sewing to do!
Plain Speech - Speak Softly, And Carry A Hand Gun
13 years ago